
If you know the order number, please enter it below. You can view the content by resending the email or registering as a member from the issued URL. If you do not know the order number, please provide the last four digits of the card used for the purchase.
Order number :
There may be a different purchase account. If you know the order number, please enter it below. You can view the content by registering as a member from the issued URL. If you do not know the order number, please provide the last four digits of the card used for the purchase, the article URL, and the purchase date.
Order number :
You can resend the purchase email yourself from the codoc management screen. If you cannot log in, please provide the last four digits of the card used for the purchase, the article URL, and the purchase date.
We cannot answer questions about the content being sold. Please contact the creator who is distributing the content directly.
As stated in our service terms, refunds and returns are not supported. Please contact the creator who is distributing the content directly.
After requesting a transfer, the 'transfer confirmation' process, which includes checking the payment status, takes from 1 to 30 business days. After the transfer confirmation is completed, the funds are usually deposited within 4 business days. Also, a notification email will be sent when the 'transfer confirmation' is completed.
Please check the FAQ first.
To complete the enquiry, you need to receive and confirm the email.